Jeet Kune Do

Our Program

Ironside offers professional and authentic instruction in the Art of Jeet Kune Do. Available to all levels, this program is designed to address the combative realism of self-defense and practical street fighting as developed by m_mg_5677artial arts legend Bruce Lee. This course is dedicated to the progressive development of natural reactions in response to the various combative stimuli encountered in everyday life. Continuing on in the philosophy of Bruce Lee, the objective remains “to simply be simple” and this
serves as the defining principle of practice within this course.

Ironside’s Jeet Kune Do program operates as a California-based extension of the Intercepting Fist Organization founded by Chief Instructor Tommy Carruthers of Glasgow, United Kingdom. Our principle goal is to teach Jeet Kune Do as was intended by its founder; strictly for the purpose of self-defense in reality based situations. Reality in fighting is that there are no fixed patterns. The Intercepting Fist Organization’s approach to teaching this “formless” fighting is to begin with a starting point; namely techniques from Bruce Lee’s modified Wing Chun, Boxing, and Fencing which serve as the basis upon which he created  this revolutionary Martial Art. At a later time with the progression of Jeet Kune Do, students are encouraged to strip away the inessentials of Martial Arts toward further refinement of the essentials within the selective view of simplicity.  We believe in the validity of principles set forth by Bruce Lee, and thus are committed to the progression of daily decrease.

Tommy Carruthers

tommycaruthersTommy has over thirty years experience in the martial arts and operates as an instructor under the late Ted Wong, Bruce Lee’s last private student and protégé. Tommy has continued to train and build ties with many respected JKD practitioners from around the world such as Tim Tackett and original Bruce Lee student, Bob Bremer. Tommy has built a reputation for being a very practical Martial Artist with a training regime that would shame most professional athletes. For more information on Tommy Carruthers and the Intercepting Fist Organization, please visit

See our contact page for more information or to schedule private/group lessons.